Universal Lunar Calendar [Alexander Kolesnikov] Moon Phases, Moon Signs, Moon Void of Course, Lunar Days for the whole year.Your Moon Sign Online Moon Sign calculation and description. [Glasgow, UK] Celestial Forecaster [Annie Bones] Offers a daily, easy-to-understand interpretation of the major planetary alignments. Good for beginner or veteran. [Victoria, Canada] Fallon Astro Graphics [Astrid Fallon]Tools for Astrology, annual colour ephemeris and diary. [Sheffield, UK] Moon Sign Calendar interactive [Rainer Kasberg] Timing with the moon for more than 150 activities, moon sign calculation, lose weight with the moon's help and more. [Berlin, Germany] The Astrology Kit [Sheila Stokes] A simple way to acquire the mysterious art of astrology to guide your life. [Brisbane, Australia]